Is there a difference between Donald Trump and the noise my butt made into the toilet this morning? It’s hard to tell these days since they’re loud, stink, lack both coherence and substance while portending a future where I’ll be shaking my head in disgust. When the President of the Unites States enthusiastically justifies the assault of a 75-year-old non-violent protestor while doubling-down on the fabrication that this geriatric bastard is an extremely dangerous and capable member of Antifa, sometimes the differences aren’t even cosmetic.
Donald Trump Is Worse Than A Hot Fart
This…this actually makes sense, if you take everything you’ve ever known and throw it out a window. These protests are explicitly anti-fascist. Fascism is by definition the opposite of democracy, and we are swiftly spiraling away from pretty much everything that our forefathers fought for so, yeah, that adds up.
Antifa, the “organization” plaguing the dreams of affluent white newscasters and their pearl-clutching viewers almost certainly doesn’t exist in any meaningful way, and the proof is that I am not a member. It’s not for lack of effort on my end. They didn’t answer any of my calls to 1-800-NOHITLER, or respond to my emails to Maybe I have to spell out Nineteen Forty One?
If Antifa is as omniscient as FOX says, why aren’t their scouts knocking on the doors of antifascists like myself? I’m pretty firmly and demonstrably against the policies and actions of this administration, as seen here:
Why isn’t Antifa recruiting me? Why am I instead getting emails from the president asking me to vote in his hard-hitting polls – “Do you support America and the freedoms that made it the best country ever in the history of the Bible, or are you a libtard cuckbitch too busy sucking cocks to pray for Lord and Savior President Trump?” It’s a very tough decision, and I still don’t know which I’ll choose! – instead of these cool, uber-hip and technologically savvy underworld-masterminds sliding into one of my various DMs? I’m on all the social medias, Mr Antifa, so please slide on in.
Seriously, Though, You Are A Legitimate Psychopath If You Watch That Video And Conclude, “Yeah That Dude Had It Coming.”
The man assaulted by the Buffalo Police’s name is Martin Gugino. He’s 75, so he was born in the 1940’s, meaning at least one of his parents was probably a WWII veteran, which almost certainly means that anti-fascism runs in his family, therefore implying deeply impure bloodlines – not like that terrific Henry Ford. This kind of liberal handicap can only be repaired through unhealthy amounts of authoritarian propaganda, racist tendencies, and a catchy slogan like MAGA.
But Martin’s antifascist roots were too strong, too deep. He resisted the righteous twang of the sirens hidden among the rocks, draped in American flags, their haunting, ethereal voices wailing words and melodies unlucky sailors buried under gallons of rum, recalled only from the safety of land around dark tables in grim taverns. You know the song:
Donald claims Gugino had an invisible device that can, “scan police communications in order to blackout equipment,” while being naked to the human eye and I gotta say the hardest part to believe of that is any organization trusting something that hi-tech to a 75 year old man. I’m often impressed by my mom’s ability to open her email and Martin’s got some years on her.
There is no end to the irony of this administration and it’s propaganda machine vilifying a group because they are Anti-Fascist. The charade is over, the veil has dropped, and I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. This administration and all of their bootlickers are out in the open as fascists now, which is as refreshing as it is depressing. For a party hell-bent on exclusion and power consolidation, well… I guess we kind of knew this coming.
For the record, Martin Gugino has a fractured skull and still cannot walk.